RSK is a global leader in the delivery of sustainable solutions.
In 2023, RSK and ARCO held a 'PPE Day' to allow staff to access correctly fitting PPE to support the female fit in the industry, and to collaborate to identify gaps which need addressing. It was a educational experience for all, with staff being able to give feedback on their experiences with PPE, and suppliers and manufacturers being able to educate on how to get a correct fit of safety helmets, eye-wear and respiratory to fit the face shape.
Suppliers and manufacturers of safety boots, high visibility clothing and gloves were in attendance to discuss feedback and present options of PPE.
Quotes from attendees:
"It’s very difficult to tell online, what the shaping is, how it fits on different people individually, and just having the time to see the full range in person, it’s much easier to ask a 5 min question than it is to scroll for three hours to find out an answer."
"Highlight from today was actually finding a pair of trousers that fits, so that’s really good, and just getting to know what PPE is out there and the full range and what each one offers for the diverse amount of people in our industry."
"The highlights have been squatting in pants just to show how flexible they actually are. We’ve had some good talks on how to fit hard hats correctly. Quite a lot of the ladies were asking for a smaller hard hat, and the reason they were asking that is because hard hats were falling off their heads, so they now have instructions on how they can create a hard hat to fit better"
"I thought today was fantastic. I really enjoyed seeing the supply chain come together. Manufacturers come together, and more importantly a great turnout from our employees, and also really positive interaction, challenging the supply chain where needed."
"For me boots was a big thing, so being able to feed back to the footwear designer, about what we’d like to see change there, I’d like to hope that they’ve taken that on board, and hopefully we’ll see some changes there. But also to again try on some of the trousers to see some of the different fits that are available. I might be looking to add to my own PPE collection based off that experience which is good."